School bus tracking & Management

Student safety is always a high priority for schools. From going to school to return back to home, both schools and parents are accountable for their children’s safety. In today’s age, you will find advanced technologies to guarantee children’s safety. School bus tracking systems are a way to ensure student safety while they are on a bus. A school bus tracking system will inform both parents and teachers about their children’s whereabouts in real-time.

A school bus tracker is a GPS enabled system that tracks and send the live location to a web server. It tracks the exact position of school buses and transmits that report to a web application/mobile application ( usually a school management software). By logging into the software, Teachers and parents can know the live location of children.

School bus tracking systems may also help prevent kids overlook school buses. parents can know where exactly the bus has reached and that help them to get ready their children for the school. Additionally, it helps parents to eliminate added stress about their children’s safety and avoid morning rush for preparing their children to get ready for school.

school bus tracking system

EduXpert school bus tracking system

Bus tracking system included in the EduXpert school management system is a powerful program with many useful features.

It supports real-time geolocation of school buses with an ability to track through a user-friendly interface on your smartphone or desktop computer. Eduxpert bus tracking system can also keep Parents directly informed and notified easily of delays using customized push notifications or through SMS messages.

Interested in Eduxpert school bus tracking system? Sign up to download our demo for free

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