Artificial intelligence in education
Artificial intelligence in education is a significant technology which helps education in a number of ways. Here are a few points on how artificial intelligence play a part in education.
Artificial intelligence in school administration
One of the most important and impactful thing that artificial intelligence can do in the educational space is that it can speed up and simplifies the daily school administrative activities. Artificial intelligence can help school teachers and administrators for grading homework, evaluating essays, measuring student responses,creation of syllabus, etc. All these processes are time-consuming and will take up teacher’s valuable one on one time with students. However, with the help of Artificial intelligence controlled technology, teachers and administrators can easily carry out these activities, and that helps to increase their productive time. AI helps to find academically struggling students and instruct teachers to give special focus to that student. In addition it can assist in creating new alternatives to use instead of available teaching material for better education, etc. Artificial intelligence controlled grading process has already been used in many educational institutes. It can automate the admission process as well. The admission process became paperless and less tedious with such technology implemented.
Artificial intelligence in personalized learning
Personalized learning is one of the most important area of education that has used artificial intelligence. In personalized learning, AI helps you to find the best course material for you based on your identity, interests and your way of learning. Such a learning procedure can significantly help students to study on their own without much difficulty as the AI selected course materials matches with student’s learning potential. Artificial intelligence replaced the old-fashioned classroom study with a more personalized and student-centered approach. The classroom study had it’s own disadvantageous; Teacher teaches the subjects in their own way, it may be difficult for some students to follow the teacher as every student has a different pace of learning. AI effectively controls this problem by analyzing the potential and need of every student. It collects data from the learning management software and recommends the best possible study materials and a way of learning for each individual student.
Grading automation using Artificial intelligence
With the advancements of artificial intelligence in education, a lot of compelling software has made to analyze and score written essays and answers effectively.This has saved teachers time and effort substantially so that they can have more time focusing on one to one interaction with students. The AI controlled bots(software) can analyze and grade written essays effectively and instantly. This will reduce the time of publishing of the results. With such technology, the results of exams can be published even within minutes after the examination. AI controlled grading also eliminate the manual works of a teacher in the grading process thereby avoiding the extra pay for teachers and expenses for running a valuation camp. Today many schools and other educational institutions successfully using automated grading system makes it a reliable way of grading.
Smart Classrooms using Artificial intelligence
Using real-time sensing and machine intelligence the smart classrooms will enhance the learning process and seamless communication between students and teachers. By the proper implementation of artificial intelligence in smart classrooms it will be capable of giving real-time suggestions to each teacher and students to improve their teaching and learning capabilities. This will improve the quality and memorability of teachers presentation and helps students to understand the topic better, and easier.AI controlled virtual teaching is another benefit of AI classrooms. Virtual teachers can easily understand the specific needs of each and every student in the classroom and provide effective presentations specially customized for each student.
Monitoring the overall performance of classroom
Artificial intelligence can monitor overall performance by identifying the strength and weakness of a classroom. It can rank classrooms based on their performance and give real-time suggestions to improve the overall performance of the classroom. Employing artificial intelligence in education of modern day smart school is very important so as to keep track, report and monitor the performance of students and classrooms.
Artificial intelligence in education makes the learning process fun and easy
Artificial intelligence controlled classroom activities make the learning process fun and simple. AI helps students involve in computer games physically by facial recognition. The interactive gaming experience will help students to improve their observation power and creativity. Teachers can conduct immersive virtual tools to anywhere in the world within the four walls of the classroom. This will help students to see and experience what they are studying without going to the exact geographical area. AI activities like this help students to memorize easily as they are experiencing it rather than imagining. Companies like Google providing a wide variety of AI experiments that students can play with. Such experiments help students to learn and understand easily.