Blended Learning And Its Benefits

Blended learning is a combination of offline and online learning which provide a powerful learning experience. In other words, blended learning is an approach that combines traditional face to face instruction with online methods. After the introduction of the internet, online education has grown rapidly. Learners preferred online learning. Online learning had certain cons when compared to the traditional method. Many types of research favoured blended learning over online learning. Blended learning is an effective way to increase participation and performance.

The advantage of a blended approach is that it presents a broader range of instructional tools and methods, enabling the instructor to deploy more tailor-made tactics for each specific learning objective. Let’s discuss the impact of blended learning on the learners.


Self-directed learning

The main feature provided by online education is that it allows accessing learning materials anywhere at any time. Blended learning delivers on this promise, meeting learners where they are; between meetings while riding the bus, or during a late-night study session. It enables them to pace their learning according to their availability, curiosity, and comfort level. Unlike other online experiences, blended learning does all of this without sacrificing the instructor’s role in offering guidance and mentorship throughout the learning experience.

Improved participation

Generally, online learning undercuts the active learning that can take place when instructors and learners interact face-to-face. In reality, classroom teaching often privileges the voices and needs of a few extroverted learners while failing to engage the silent majority fully. While on the other hand, Blended approach provides a classroom experience with synchronous and asynchronous communication, including social media, that can facilitate dialogue among groups or between individuals.

The increased role of instructor

One of the main drawbacks of the online program is that it is trying to replace a human instructor with many technological tools and pre-prepared materials.; This can never offer the sensitivity and insight of a qualified expert. Blended learning not only retains a role for the instructor but enhances this role both offline and online. By using high-quality technology and media to present content, facilitate assessments, and track learners’ progress, the instructor is freed up to invest attention and expertise where it is most needed.

Blended learning is a training approach which combines different modes of learning. It involves the use of eLearning, mobile learning, classroom-based learning, and even face-to-face instruction. The blended learning is a solution for learner engagement, improved flexibility, morale boost, and it also encourages collaboration between the employees.

Increased learner engagement

Learners have a shorter attention span,  to keep them engaged in the training program, it’s better to make the learning process more interesting and interactive to the employees. By blended learning, you are able to combine eLearning content with classroom-based training as well as face-to-face training. If the employees can access the information they need, when they need it, makes it more likely for your workforce to engage in the learning process.

Improved flexibility

As blended learning promotes cross-device learning, it would provide greater flexibility in many ways. The flexibility of cross-device learning means that they can incorporate learning into their work lives. By improving the flexibility in learning, it is possible to improve the completion rates and the interest of employees in the learning process.

Boost morale and productivity

By blended learning, we provide employees with freedom and choice. Providing choice and freedom goes a long way to improve morale in the workplace. In blended learning, we are trusting the employees to take charge of their learning in a way that suits them. Using a diverse range of learning techniques also allows you to understand further what actually works for your employees in terms of engagement and information retention.

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