Importance of School Management System
Every industry is becoming smart in these days by implementing high-end technologies. Schools and colleges are not an exception to this trend. Majority of the schools became smart already, by integrating advanced technologies like school management system (School Software ERPs) into their daily chores. The education industry is undoubtedly one of the sectors that have found the best use of technology. This has helped education industry to save time and money to a great extent by avoiding manual paperwork and taking many shortcuts in their daily academic and administrative activities.
Software like EduXpert School Management System, Fedena, etc are changed the way of how a modern school operates. Today let’s discuss the importance of school management systems in the current educational scenario.
- Account Related Activities Made Simpler and FoolProof.
- Fee Payment made easy
- Security of students and staffs has improved significantly
- Better School inventory and asset management
- Improved the overall communication network
- Exam management became highly organized
- Admission process and Id card generation became fast and easy
- Customizations and configuration
Account Related Activities Made Simpler and FoolProof.
Every organization has to deal with the in and outflows of money in their firms. Academic institutions also have their own account related activities like managing fee vouchers, the salary of school staffs, daily collection reports, etc.
Account related activities were always a headache for accountants and school management. It tangled hectic paper works and hiccups. Launching of school management system has predominantly reduced the complicated tasks and manual labor thereby making account management process easy and precise. All the modern School ERP systems contain dedicated modules for account management. Highly advanced school management software like EduXpert provides many features like Ledger, Daybook, Daily collection reports, Payments and Receipts, Receivable and payable, Balance sheets, etc.
Fee Payment made easy
In the modern age of computers and technology, people like to pay cashless. Online payment is always a better option than the traditional payment methods. It saves time and effort. People can pay money from anywhere to whomsoever it may concern.
School management software packages take advantage of this technology to pay school feeses and other expenses. By using a school management system, parents can pay their children’s school fee without even going to school or handing over the money to their children. Schools are also benefitted from this by avoiding the manual work of collecting the fee from each student.
Security of students and staffs has improved significantly
Safety of the students is always a top priority for schools. School management systems have added a lot of security features to the schools like live tracking of school transportation system, live communication between students-teachers-parents-management, etc. Modern school management systems offer all the details related to transportations including vehicle name, route details, transportation fees, etc.
School management system makes it possible to monitor students every time and share their live location details with teachers and parents thereby ensuring the security of students.
Better School inventory and asset management
School inventory management became more comfortable with the introduction of school management software packages. Hostels, Libraries, School transport vehicles everything can be managed at fingertips.
The library management feature helps school librarian to manage all the books and keep track of the details. Such as to whom the book is issued, library fee, late fee, etc. In addition to that EduXpert school management software package provide e-Library support.
The other important feature of school management system is the school hostel management. Managing hostel manually is a tedious process. A school management system can help hostel administrator for allotment of rooms, defining list of warden, Hostel fees collection, daily expenses of hostel, etc.
Improved the overall communication network
One of the essential features of a school management system is that it significantly improved the communication between students-teachers-parents and administrative management. Everybody is always connected through the mobile app or the web app. Every information that a school wants to say to a parent, or a parent want to tell a school can be instantly communicated through these apps. Some school management system offers bulk SMS features so that schools can communicate to a large number of students instantly.
Whenever some emergency lockdown situations, daily information updates, change of schedule for sports team’s events or school’s buses, weather-related scheduling changes, etc. occur then the school can notify that to the parents at the same time.
Exam management becomes highly organized
Examination management is a vital school activity. Schools may conduct a number of exams and performance evaluations throughout the year. School management ERP systems can help schools for creating exams, generate hall tickets, question paper generation, publication of results, generation of certificates, etc.
A good school software ERP like EduXpert can mainly reduce time and effort for all the examination related activities.
Admission process and Id card generation became fast and easy
The admission process is always a headache for schools. When thousands of students register for new admissions, managing and entering their details into paper-based documents is not practical. By implementing a school management system schools can computerize the admission process. It helps to collect, retrieve and maintain student data seamlessly.
Identification card generation often becomes tiresome if done manually. Many of the modern school management software has a feature to generate id cards. It reduces time, effort and money. We have written a blog post if you want to know more about school id card generation.
Customizations and configuration
Every educational institute works in a different manner and has varying requirements. It is extremely crucial to make sure that the school management system can be configured and customized according to the needs of your school. Many modern School ERP systems such as EduXpert School ERP is highly customizable so that it can suit all the requirements of your school.
These are the importance of school management System in the current educational scenario. We always recommend you to buy a school management system after using its demo version and make sure that implementing it will be beneficial for your school. Have a good day!
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