10 Emerging Technologies In Education

For over a decade educational technologies are emerging at exponential rates, But many schools and educational institutes fall short on understanding and utilizing these technologies. Today we are introducing 10 Emerging technologies in education that educators and school management must know/understand for providing quality education for the children.

1.Augmented reality

augmented reality

Augmented reality is an exciting topic that educators need to know, According to Wikipedia, augmented reality defined as  “an interactive experience of a real-world environment whereby the objects that reside in the real-world are “augmented” by computer-generated perceptual information, sometimes across multiple sensory modalities.”

The use of augmented reality visual content can catch student’s attention. It ensures the engagement and interaction of the students in lessons, as they are seeing and experiencing what they are learning. Teachers can use augmented reality to teach abstract and complex concepts because it helps students to visually see complex 3D models rather than imagining it in mind.

Anatomy 4D, Elements 4D, Aug That are some of the most popular and useful augmented reality apps that students and teachers can use for effective learning.

2.Artificial intelligence

artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is one of the most discussed topics in the educational industry. We have covered this topic in depth in our blog post Artificial intelligence in education. Please refer to the blog post to know how artificial intelligence is playing a pivotal role in the current educational system.

3.student data privacy and security

student data security

Student data privacy and cyber security is also a must known topic that every educator and school should aware of.  In the era of online education, the student data should be handled safely. Here is a blog post about how implementing a school management system can protect your student data and ensure their online security. Read the post here.

4.Internet of things(IOT)

Internet of things

Many of you people are wondering what is internet of things or simply IOT. In layman’s terms internet of things is taking all the things in the real world(for ex: a light bulb, a car or any material thing) and connecting them to the Internet. Now you may be wondering how IOT will be useful in education. Let us see some of the applications of IOT in education.

IOT helps to create a global network among educators and students. This helps both students and teachers to interact with their peers worldwide. Another application is that it enhances the security of school campuses, by implementing RFID devices for attendance, School bus GPS systems, remotely controlled school monitoring systems, etc.

5.learning Management systems

learning management system

A learning management system is a software that is used to deliver courses or training programs for students. It helps to manage the courses efficiently. By using an LMS, anybody can create,change and assign courses for students. Learning management system gives an alternate platform for students and teachers to learn and teach.

Using a learning management system teachers can give personalized courses to each student. A teacher can identify the weakness and strengths of the student, and create customized courses that will help students to concentrate more on their weakest part to improve it. Many LMS support live chats with educators also, this will help shy students to ask their doubt and clarify it. It also ensures the parent’s involvement in students learning the process by allowing them to log in and monitor their children’s performance.

6.School management systems

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School Management Systems are software that helps educational institutions to manage their daily academic and administrative activities easily and effectively. School management systems are the most popular emerging technology in educational niche. If you want to know more about school management system, refer to our in-depth article about Importance of school management system.

7.Cloud computing

cloud computing

Cloud computing solves one of the biggest challenge that many schools are facing, lack of infrastructures. Cloud computing is simply the group of computing resources located at various places in the world. The system can be shared and accessed from anywhere in the world. By implementing cloud computing technologies, schools can overcome all the shortcomings and keep up a unified framework where every one of the powers can check the education framework from every single angle and proceed with screen and guide the framework.

Cloud computing guarantees the access to basic data to anyone(students, teachers, parents, staffs, etc) utilizing any gadgets from the workplace.

8.Mobile learning

mobile learning

Mobile learning or M-Learning is the method of learning through your personal mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets or even a laptop. The study materials are either downloaded into the device or accessed online. Mobile learning allows flexibility, allowing students access to education anywhere, anytime.

9.Virtual and remote laboratories

Virtual laboratories are web applications that emulate the operations of real laboratories. Virtual laboratories can be accessed anywhere without the need for a physical system, and it enables students to practice in a “safe” environment before using real, physical components.

More than 80% of students who used virtual laboratories scored higher in examinations compared to a control group. With 386 students, 80% suggested adapted to self-learning using virtual laboratories. 82% of university teachers who employ virtual laboratories indicated using them to complement teaching material and reduce teaching time. Read the research article here.

10. 3-D printing

3-D printing

3-D printing is another helpful technology students using these days. It helps students print out 3-D prototypes. Teachers can also take 3-D printouts of difficult to visualize structures to help students understand easily. Such as 3-D structures of molecules for chemistry students, 3-D structures of cells, viruses, organs for biology students, topography, demographic, or population maps for geography students, etc.

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